Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

effect of smoking

Side effects of smoking , explained on the effectof smokingUntil Äôll currently still trying to find a defining feature of smoking, compared with the clear impression that printing is much more resonant. I, AOM is guaranteed unless you know you can repeat that? These are the things that smoking enthusiast. However, for a period of hearing again, once they are willing to eighteen terms of smoking

Side Effects of Smoking

Attractive effects of consumption of snuff or smoking ruin sack conscious, you are wasting your money just to pass smoking. They breathe the smoke with the intention of killing his body, the organs of OSA in no hurry, you are wasting no hurry to kill the public that is around you.

Smoking lowers your strength and fitness. Smoking makes your skin look dull and unhealthy

Smoking can cause infant death

Smoking may reduce the virility here

Smoking can cause impotence

Side Effects of Smoking

effects of snuff consumption for pregnant women may predispose to preterm delivery

Smoking makes your breath smell and stains your teeth.

Smoking is not cute or poor. This, in fact perfect AM vice versa.

Smokers are twice as likely to be caused by heartattack than nonsmokers.

Smokers in the highest sensitivity holder died of exposure.

Light smoking is not healthy. There is a healthy cigarette thumbs down.

Smokers are more likely to develop the full spectrum of cancers.

Smoking greatly reduces your level of fitness.

Smoking reduces your ability to fight disease.

Smoking is not cool. This, the AM effect is purely psychological.

Smoking 10 cigarettes pro 15 years time will cost at least $ 33,000.

Smoking will be deleted younger. Smokers die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than they should.

Of course, many others have described for the purpose of this ration is known to be fond of smoking eighteen for enthusiasts.